Nuclei, schegge, chopper, chopping tool

Nuclei, schegge, chopper, chopping tool

Drawing by P. Gioia

N. 1 and 2  Cores
The cores are stones from which lithic chips (flakes) of various sizes are detached, using a percussion hard hammer

N. 3 and 4 unretouched flakes
The flakes detached from the core are real cutting tools, comparable to our knives. The functional side was the naturally sharp edge.

N. 5 Chopper
Term used to indicate a chipped pebble on one end in order to obtain a cutting edge. Recent research suggests that in most cases they are cores. The oldest choppers have been found in Africa in deposits dating back over 2 million years ago.

N. 6 Chopping Tool
It is a lithic tool like to the chopper, but characterized by detachments on both sides of the pebble.

Masterpieces of the hall

The hall

Sala Espositiva

Inside the showcases located in the exhibition room, some of the more than 2000 fossil remains, found during excavation and representing the identified species, were placed.

Fossil remains of Zelkova crenata, Tree of Judah and Laurel was discovered in the deposit. Fossil remains of Zelkova leaves are exposed.